Selasa, 14 April 2015


  , Worst Traffic Jam in History   11 Days 100 KM China   Reckon Talk  the 11 day traffic jam in chinaTruck drivers play cards in the shade of a truck jammed on an entrance    the 11 day traffic jam in chinaSlow Jam: Smog, Signal Outage Clog Roads in China   NBC News  the 11 day traffic jam in chinaduring a rush hour traffic jam on Guomao Bridge in Beijing July 11    the 11 day traffic jam in china

jammed 11 July jam China china Days in Traffic a chinaSlow Clog in 11 traffic jam 11 News jam 11 truck day Guomao Worst 11 Reckon entrance 11 play day in an Bridge Signal jam rush traffic History cards chinaduring in the Talk on in China shade day Jam: hour traffic KM in of Roads on Beijing traffic drivers traffic in Smog, in Outage chinaTruck the Jam , a the day 100 the jam NBC the

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