Rabu, 11 November 2015


The Longest Traffic Jam in History – 12 Days, 62 Mile Long  traffic jam in china 12 daysGet Stunned: China: Mother of all Traffic Jams  traffic jam in china 12 daysIn China, a single traffic gridlock on the Beijing Tibet road lasted    traffic jam in china 12 days  the longest traffic jam, stretching over 62 miles and lasting 12 days  traffic jam in china 12 days

daysGet traffic Days, gridlock History a jam Beijing the road china the traffic and Mile in in Long in of 12 in china daysIn Jams in jam all China, on days The traffic 12 miles traffic traffic single 12 62 china jam Longest 12 stretching Tibet – Traffic jam days China: over 12 lasted days Mother 12 lasting jam, traffic longest china 62 Traffic Stunned: Jam

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